Teleconference Notes and Audio File
Notes from call 03-25-2020
Virus: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Disease: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Transmission: primarily respiratory droplets, some fecal-oral
Recent showing different timeline, as to how long the virus can live on surfaces.
Outside of the cruise ship report, these were ideal conditions in a lab.
I find the definition of “close contact” used in Hong Kong helpful.
“In Hong Kong, “close contact” means fifteen minutes at a distance of less than six feet and without the use of a surgical mask; in Singapore, thirty minutes. If the exposure is shorter than the prescribed limit but within six feet for more than two minutes, workers can stay on the job if they wear a surgical mask and have twice-daily temperature checks. People who have had brief, incidental contact are just asked to monitor themselves for symptoms.”
Prevention: wash your hands, wipe down surfaces, try to avoid touching your face, especially before washing your hands, stay home
Strengthen your fortress:
Eat well, lots of variety in fruits and vegetables, fermented foods, avoid sugar
Move: get outside if you can each day, gentle stretching, yoga
Sleep: 7-9 hours of sleep at night
Stress: Meditation, Prayer, Reading
Stay well hydrated
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Following CDC Guidelines
Questions about testing asymptomatic testing: issues that I see are that with current testing, which is based on a viral load (amount of virus particles). If no symptoms, there may not be enough virus particles present and then we get a “false negative”. Turn around time anywhere from 3-11 days. We will eventually have antibody tests, which will indicate past infection.
Local testing: Capstone and Mat-Su Urgent Care in Wasilla.
ER- only if someone is really sick
YouTube Video: Alaska Division of Epidemiology– 22 minutes in length, very informative overview with Dr Joe McLaughlin, MD, MPH
Coronavirus counts
Thermometer that was discussed/
Palmer business directory
Mock up of 30 Minute Dinner Party and host with “runny nose”
Elderberry Essentials – Anchorage